So when you are making YaYa eggplant fries and you forget you don't need the whole eggplant and you cut it all up into thick "fries", you put half back into a plastic bag into the fridge, and the next day you stare at it and say...."what to do??", so out of not wanting to make Yaya fries 2 days in a row, we figured throwing enough veggies into a wok with some hoisin sauce and sriracha sauce, we'd be okay. Oh and some fried rice - super easy recipe. Hope you enjoy.

Vegetable Stir Fry
1/2 eggplant cut into large cubes (or leftover "fries" cut into 3 pieces each!)
Small package frozen broccoli
1 cup mushrooms (any kind sliced medium thickness)
1 medium onion chopped (medium pieces)
1/2 cup shredded carrots
2 spring onions (aka green onions) cut on a bias we're getting fancy here! oooohhhh
4 tablespoons Hoisin sauce
Sriracha chili sauce to taste (comes in a squeeze bottle found at Asian stores or even your local grocer, or the link provided buy lots of everything there Neil would appreciate it! )
Soy Sauce- 6 to 7 shots maybe more if you use more veggies
Ching's Green Chili Sauce (also to taste; it is spicy)
3 tablespoons oil (canola or olive)
1 clove garlic minced
1 teaspoon fresh ginger shredded
1 Thai chili minced
What we did
1. Heat wok medium to medium high heat, add oil, garlic, ginger, and chili pepper for 30 seconds
2. Add eggplant and onion; mix around with oil let cook for 3 minutes
3. Add the rest of your veggies and toss around (at this time if it seems a bit dry add 2 or 3 spoons of water ) cook for a few minutes until veggies are tender
4. Add all of your sauces (hoisin, chili, sriracha, and soy)
5. Add salt at the end but you will probably find with the soy you don't need any more salt
6. toss around let sauces come together, the whole dish should take no more than 12 minutes to cook.
Vegetable Fried Rice
1.5 cups uncooked rice (we use basmati)
small package of frozen peas
2 spring onions
2 eggs
1/4 cup shredded carrots
2 tablespoons butte
2 tablespoons olive oil
soy sauce
1 small clove garlic minced
half small white onion diced
salt to taste
What we did
1. Cook the rice as directed (or use a rice cooker then turn it off when it is done, do not let it sit on "warm")
2. In a large pot (it is easy to stir) heat oil, butter and garlic together at medium high heat
3. Add white onion cook for 2 minutes and then add cooked rice and stir to coat with your oil, butter, garlic mixture
4. Turn heat down to medium low
5. Add peas and carrots stir, and add a few shots of soy sauce to turn your white rice a brown color
6. Push fried rice mixture to side of pot, and crack 2 eggs into the empty part of your pot, stir around to make scrambled egg, when it is cooked through incorporate with the rest of your rice (you could scramble the eggs in a separate pan, but why do more dishes??!)
7. Add in your green onion at the end stir through, i think the whole process of cooking this after the rice was cooked is about 15 minutes. Enjoy!!!
And by now we are sure you are sensing a theme.............
WDWD??? (what did we drink?)

2007 Frog's Leap Pink "La Grenouille Rougante", there "Pink" is 92% Napa Gamay, 4% petite syrah, 4% Carignane, probably the best wine to beat the heat, tastes like watermelon and strawberry, and for under 12 bucks you can't beat it! Our friend Chicubhai should send us some... hint hint!!
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